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Avda. Tilos, Parc-D4.
Polígono Industrial San Miguel
31132 Villatuerta
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+34 948 553 155
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Additional information
In accordance with Spanish Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on the Protection of Personal Data [Ley de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal], you are hereby informed that your personal data collected through the present form will be included in a file owned by TALLERES GOLDEBI, S.L., the purpose of which is to manage contacts and business communications actions, as well as to respond to enquiries and suggestions.
As the user, you hereby grant your full consent to TALLERES GOLDEBI, S.L., sending you advertising communications by email, fax or any other equivalent electronic communication means provided to it, in accordance with the provisions of Spanish Law 34/2002 of July 11 on Information Society and E-commerce Services [Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico] and Spanish Law 32/2003 of November 3 on Telecommunications [Ley General de Telecomunicaciones].
However, you are hereby informed that you can withdraw your consent or exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in every business communication received and at any time, by sending a letter accompanied by a copy of your national ID document to TALLERES GOLDEBI, S.L., located at Pol. Ind. San Miguel Avda. Los Tilos P4, 31132 Villatuerta (Navarra), Spain; or by email at

European regional development fund
A way to make Europe
Talleres Goldebi, S.L., was a participant in the ICEX-Next program (a Spanish initiative to provide assistance to companies starting to export) and has also received the support of the ICEX and the trust of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The purpose of this support has been to contribute to the international development of the company and its context.